
Look! I'm passive aggressive!

I am sick of it. Extremely sick of it. If you are my friend make an effort. Call once in awhile. Not once since I have been home. Whatever. Part of me wants to not give a shit, but I do. I really do. There is nothing I can do about it. Bah. At least I have awesome Eurotrash shoes.


you smell like butt
congratulations. you are the "you smell like
butt" bunny. you're brutally honest and
always say whats on your mind.

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Maria has a social life?!?!?!

Damn Internet Explorer.   I was halfway through my really long post describing my weekend and Internet Explorer crapped out on me.  Basically the boys came to visit, went to Georgetown, went to party with lots of HS people and hung out with Christina. 

It was really nice staying up late and chatting with Chris Friday night.  I really value our relationship and it really only works well when we communicate in person.  I was glad we got to chat.  It was the last time I was going to see him in person.  We never Marquee Mooned though.  C'est la vie. 

I finally broke down and bought my Eurotrash shoes. 

After a bit of a squabble with Phil I decided I had to buy them or he was and I refuse to let Phil buy me shoes.  Completely unnecessary.  Thought appriciated however, I refuse to let him spend money on me. 

Work is going well.  Not much going on there.  I basically just perouse the internet and chat on AIM.  Occasionally there is some work but nothing really.  Everyone is laid back and if I walk in 45 minutes late because I slept in no one cares.  I really can't complain.  I only have 3 weeks or so left of work.  Lots of money coming my way. 


Doot do doot doo doo

Screw you insurance company that won't let me have my annual exam ONE (1) day before I am due for it.  This screws up my whole schedule before going abroad.  I had plans, dammit!  One day doesn't make a difference with my vag.  Just sayin'.  Crimeny.  Plus it took me over an hour to get through to their office.  That is a bit excessive, don't ya think?  I sure do!  So now I can't go to Pittsburgh the weekend of the 20th like I had wanted.  So no seeing Chris prior to his departure.  C'est la vie, I guess. 
Chris, Nick and Pat are coming this weekend.  I am really excited.  People who don't such and who aren't hypocrites!  YAY!  I think a trip to Jimmie Cone is in order.  Then we have a fun filled day in Georgetown with Lisa so that will be exciting.
I hung out with Best Friend and Lisa this weekend.  I haven't seen Rose in forever and we just have a lot of fun whenever we get together.  I just really needed to get out of Frederick so Lisa and Georgetown were the answer.  Nothing like getting caught stealing booze and then going to a swank bar with lots of old people and lots of gay men. 
Work is so dull.  There isn't much for me to do.  Every few hours I get some stuff to file or a FedEx label to make.  Exciting.  Hey, I am getting $11/hr to dick around the internet.  Life could be worse. 
Are the motherfuckers ready for the fatherfuckers?



I have reached a new nerd level. 



Fuck this shit.  Fuck it.  Sorry you aren't happy living here.  I am miserable living here.  Thank you for making me miserable.  Fuck you.  Fuck the one crumb in the corner.  Fuck it. 



I love my friends.  I do.  However, they annoy the crap out of me sometimes.  Hey we never seen each other, you aren't going to make an effort and it is going to be kinda weird when we finally see each other it is kinda weird.  Go friends.  I make an effort, most of the time.  I know I have my time when I am not the most open or gung ho person.  Whatever.  See you in over a year.  Awesome.
Thank you to those who listen to me bitch.  I appreciate it.  Days like this make me wish I was already in Paris. 
Tomorrow is Friday.  That makes me happy.  Bastille Day was fun for me.  Too bad my family sees a new food and freaks out, pokes it once or twice and says, "I'll eat something else."  At least I had a nice glass of wine.



I got my visa today! HOOWAY!!!! I went to work this morning and had my financial garauntee notorized then drove down to Georgetown to the consulate. I get there and feed the meter the only change I had which gave me 40 minutes. So I walk down the street to the embassy and find the proper location of the visa center. There is a short line and soon enough I am shelling out the $119 for my visa. It turns out that most of the documents I was stressing about getting weren't even necessary. Way to go Franc e. Maybe you should ammend your websiteS so they all say the same CORRECT things. Whatever. Atleast I havee my visa now. It is so pretty. So close to France....eek!


Plastic Shoes!

I bought plastic shoes. $7 at PayLess Shoe Source. I am pleased and amused.



It was recently brought to my attention that one Mr. Theodore Boyle is interested in coming to Paris with myself and Snuggles. I am extremely flattered. I would love nothing more than to have Theodore with me and Snuggles for a wonderful 10 months but I don't know if I could take Theodore away from Phil for that long. He is a wonderful bear, very acrobatic and has phenomenal ninja talent, I am nothing short of honored knowing that Theodore would spend such a long tenure with me (outside the inevitable forever that everyone is very much looking forward to?. Phil needs Theodore. I would feel badly if they weren't together. On the other hand Snuggles and Theodore have become best friends in such a short period of time and both Phil and myself would hate to see them apart for such a long time. Also Theodore is looking to expand Fuzzy Wuzzy, Ltd. into the French bear market so it could prove fruitful to him. I don't know what to do. It is a teddy bear conundrum.

Who can resist that bear?



PUNNY! I'm so punny. I probably use the ph thing a little too much but I don't care! So I came home from work after having an okay day. My family is not on the top of my list, like always, and I was thinking about that and just wasn't in a good mood when I got home. I went to get the mail and there was a piece of paper from the local florist saying they had a delievery for me and they left it on the front porch. So I excitedly run to the front door and I find this:

It made me so happy. He always makes me so happy. I have BEAUTIFUL flowers! YAY! HOOWAY!


Good and Well

Time for a brief grammar lesson kids.

An adjective describes/modifies a noun. The pretty dress. An adverb modifies a verb. He runs quickly. Got it? Got it. Good.

Well is an adverb. Good is an adjective. Okay?
Good job. He is a good kid.
She swims well. How are you? I am doing well.

Please take note and please use good grammar. Thank you.


Time For A Good Rant

Ok, here goes. Getting a visa is the most ridiculous process ever. EVER. First of all there are two different websites. The embassy website neglets to tell you that you need a letter from your university stating you are, in fact, a registered student there. I found this out from the consulate website.

Then there was the fiasco with the letter from the insurance company. I called over a week ago to ask about obtaining a letter stating that Blue Cross Blue Shield will cover any medical expenses I may have in France. I got a letter in the mail yesterday that only stated I am covered by my father's policy. NO MENTION OF FRANCE! So I called today and left a message. I then called back and spoke to someone different. Then the woman called me back and I got everything straightened out and the correct letter is being mailed today. *phew*

I still have to get 2 passport photos but that I no big deal. Dad has to get a bank statement saying I have access to $6000. However, time is running low. It takes 2 months to process a visa. I have less than that. YIKES! Also I have to drive down and drop off my application. So that requires me taking off work. It is such a process.

I just want it to be all over and to have my visa and to be in France. Soon. Very soon.

Addressing the France issue. HOOWAY for cronyism. Phil's mom has a friend in Paris who is a CEO of some company and she wants to "take me under her wing"!!!! This is so awesome. Such an amazing opportunity for me to make connections and get my foot in the door so that I can be set for life. I don't want to get too ahead of myself but when a CEO wants to become your mentor one can't help but think good things.

Also after much fretting about power conversions and whatnot I bought a power cord that will work in France. It was only $3 but the shipping is $9.90. Being cheap I tried calling Best Buy and Circuit City to no avail. People are so dumb. Then I found the same power cord for $105. I don't understand how there can be such a price difference but after seeing that I won't complain about the shipping charge.

It was a rough day but things are looking up.

I want to hold you like the sky holds the sun.


YAY! For Blogs!

So I am having way too much fun with this blogger thing. It keeps Pam, myself and this Tommyy character amused. Yay for wars on comment boards! Yay for steadily keeping me amused.

Phil arrives tomorrow! HOOWAY! 4 day weekends rock my socks. I have a doctors appointment this evening too. YAY for Phil coming. I really need Phil to visit to balance out all the crap going on. Who knows, we may stop by Wex for a bit on the way to DuBois.