
Phil for Christmas

I just had an absolutely wonderful week in Paris. Phil came to visit and it was wonderful. It had been almost 4 months since I last saw him. Crazy. I could go on for pages about my feelings for him but will spare the world the goobery details. I love him and it is only getting stronger. Phil make me happier than I ever thought I could be.


Good Mood

I just gave an expose and it didn't suck! I am awesome! I can breathe easy for a few days now which is really nice. Screw you Sciences-Po! I WIN!!!

A week from now I will be in Stockholm! Hooway for vacations! It will be nice to get out of Paris for a few days. Then Phil comes!!! I am quite excited. Woah. I am a little ! crazy in this post. Whatev. Things are good though.

Tomorrow is Bridget Jones with the roomie in the evening. I might go to the Turner Whistler Monet exhibit moi meme and Saturday is cooking baking and ice skating at Hotel de Ville.

*sigh* Life IS good.



Hey there. Things are going well. After next week I am kinda done for the semester which is nice. I have two exposes and a contre expose and I am done with the one expose for Monday and the other is for Thursday and I have found some good research so I feel okay about that. The contre expose is no biggie I just need to reread and figure out the differences between Hobbes and Rousseau and I think I will be a-okay.

As of today there are 17 days until Philip arrives at Roissy (look I call it Roissy not DeGaulle, look at me assimilate!). In 13 days I leave for Stockholm with Ilaria, Kristen and Philippe. That should be fun but we don't have a place to stay yet which is a bit irksome. We have planned this trip for how long? Why we don't have a hostel yet is besides me. I should call Ilaria and figure that one out.

I will be shopping tomorrow with Ilaria and Tom to get Phil's Christmas present. Hopefully I can find something I like and no matter what it will be a nice outing. However Paris isn't that Christmasy yet. I want to see more lights! C'mon Paris, get with the Christmas spirit. The city is covered with Olympic crap as they want to host the games in 2012. Personally, I find Christmas a bit more aesthetically pleasing than the Olympics.

I am rather relaxed and stress free at the moment. Everyone around me seems to be freaking out. Glad I am not. I got lucky with my classes and the amount of work I have to do for them. Hooway for that. I am a bit peeved that I don't know when my finals are yet. There are 2 weeks of finals and I only have 3. In theory they could all be in the first week and then I could have a whole extra week of vacation which would be stupendous. Still need to figure out my plans for winter break. I should look up the cost for a euro-rail pass. Perhaps I could visit Chaz in Germany. Maybe Jan. Definately have to go to Eastern Europe. If I don't I will be rather peeved with myself.

Okay. Maybe I should go to something slightly more productive than writing this nonsense.