

Being back in America is weird. Currently I am trying to find the place for Paris in my America life. Paris was/is a huge part of my life but no one likes that person who starts every sentence with "So, in Paris..." I really don't want to be that person but on the same token I cannot deny the importance of Paris to myself. That along with getting back into Pitt life is kinda hard. Sciences-Po has a very particular feel that I became used to. It is a very far cry from Pitt and the mentalities of the two places are very different. I grew used to the academic environment of Sciences-Po which, while shitty in its own right, had many benefits and by the end of the year I grew to appreciate it. Pitt, to me, doesn't have the same intellectual environment. Granted I am glad that every conversation isn't about politics but at least I wasn't around dumbasses who talk about getting drunk and other "dude" conversations. It is easy to forget the "typical American college" attitude when away for a year and I just need time to reaclimate myself to it.

Then there is the general sadness I feel about Paris. I miss the place, a lot. Paris gave me so many wonderful memories and I loved it and hated it and felt pretty much every emotion one can feel but overall Paris was an amazing experience that I look back on and I have to smile because it was so amazing. Right now though, looking back through my pictures and my folder of every saved ticket, map, etc. makes me really sad and makes me what to be in Paris and not here. I need to get fully into the swing of Pitt things.

This year is chock full of promise and I plan on taking full advantage of every opportunity in front of me but I can't help but miss going for a walk with Judith in Buttes Chaumont or running into some one in the Peniche or the jardin at Sciences-Po. I miss it.


Phil, me and the view of downtown Chicago

Me, Phil and Lake Michigan

Me and the view of Millenium Park and downtown Chicago.

Phil and a birdhouse his dad built.

More houses

Phil and a Frank Lloyd Wright house

The day after my birthday Phil and I went to Chicago for a week to see his family. One day we went to Oak Park for a Frank Lloyd Wright walking tour.

Poorly lit group shot.

Me drinking. Please note the totally awesome "party" shirt.

Fiesty black woman trying to light my shot on fire after Phil failed. It was mildly ridiculous.

Phil and me at my 21st birthday at the Squirrel Cage.



I came home.
I went to Pittsburgh and saw Phil after 5 months.
I came home.
I moved to Pittsburgh.
I went to Chicago.
I am home.

Chicago was amazing. It was great to see Phil's family again plus Chicago is a great city. My apartment in Pittsburgh is great. Being at home is proving to be not that great. I should be used to that by now. I will be back in Pittsburgh in a week though and then "real life" starts again.

I have more to say perhaps I will write about that later.