
Mix CDs

Not to toot my own horn but TOOT TOOT! Whislt continuing my cleaning adventure earlier today I finished a mixed CD for Phil. Let me tell you, it is a damn good CD. The right amount of sentiment and the right about of cool. I commend myself for crafting such a fine CD. I would include the track list but we are going to keep that a suprise from Phil until he get the CD this Friday.

Dial-up is the world's largest pain in the ass. It like to randomly die and it so very painfully slow. I guess I could go read a book instead of use the internet but I wanna use the internet. Tonight is my last night of house sitting. All went well minus the cat running away and then coming back. The dog is really dumb. He loves to play catch but doesn't look when you throw the ball so he constantly loses it and that can be rather frustrating. So I stopped playing catch. The dog is nice but not the best dog I have crossed paths with. It is hard to explain why I am not overly fond of this dog. Eh, whatever. One more night.

Also it is really boring out here in the middle of nowhere. It is really pretty and nice and all that but I am out here all by my lonesome and that can be really boring. They don't have cable and, as I already mentioned, dial-up. There is only so much reading one can do. So I have slept a lot these past couple of days. I figure I won't be sleeping much next weekend so good that I got a lot this weekend.

I have plans to see Hesham on Friday. Phil comes in that morning so we are just going to bum around DC for a bit. Probably go to the international spy museum. Perhaps walk around the Mall. I have recently learned that the Mall is not commonly known. Interesting. We are going to then dine with Hesham which will be nice since I have not seen him since Sarah's party.

Glad I only have a 4 day week. Woot for that. Work is getting more interesting. I am staying steadily busier. Perhaps I shall go read now before the dial up internet goes squirrely on me again.


I can't take it anymore

I have had enough of my family. Sorry I am not Charlie. Sorry I did not fight in a war. Sorry I am doing something with my life that no one you can relate to. Thanks for putting forth the effort though. Sorry for being a pain in the ass that leaves crumbs on the counter. Sorry for making you pay for my college education. Sorry I did well enough in high school that I could go to college. Sorry for living out my dream.

There are 5 million pictures of Charlie displayed around the house. Lots of pictures of Donna's family. None of me. Lets put the big picture of Charlie in his uniform on the mantel. Where did my senior portrait go? It is sooooooooooooo upsetting. Take down the painting I did for Dad, remove my senior portrait. I might as well not be in this fucking family. No one cares.

Way to never visit me in Pittsburgh for a weekend after talking about it for 2 years but find the time to visit Charlie for a week as soon as he come back from Iraq. I feel like an after thought most of the time. I bet they won't come and visit me in Paris. I am almost 100% sure they won't. Glad you guys care so much about my life and what I am doing with it.

Fuck you all.


Jesus doesn't like it when you piss on the Eiffel Tower

So I am currently house sitting for my high school French teacher. It is a pretty easy $150 minus the cat running away. I was letting the dog in and the cat slipped out, into the vast darkness. AWESOME! I looked around a bit-to no avail. I woke up early this morning and didn't see him. Worried all day about it and work and hoped to God that I would find him when I got home. I did not. I pick up the phone to call Madame and tell her the bad news. She takes it okay. Upon her advice I take the jug-o-cat food and go outside to, low and behold, find the cat. I lure him inside with the food and the bastard will be staying inside for the rest of my tenure as house sitter.

What else is going on. I am currently taking a break from cleaning the bathroom. Phil is coming in a week and he needs a clean place to shit. Aren't I an awesome girlfriend. Tomorrow, once I have properly tended to the animals, I will return to my house and clean my room. We can't have Phil knowing how messy I really am, can we. I really can't wait to see him. I am genuinely a much happier person when with him. He brings out the best in me and I can't wait for everyone here (by everyone I mean all 2 people in Frederick I care about) to meet him and to see how well we work together. I am really sure about things with Phil and it is nice to be sure about one thing in your life.

Work is going well. Everyone is nice. The head boss has her moments where I just smile and not then bitch when she leaves the room. I am staying busy and, for the most part, I am having fun. I don't mind going to work everyday which is a good feel and they pay me well. I guess life isn't that bad after all.

I had a leftover Bloomin' Onion and a Hawaiian pizza for dinner. Delish. No one else in my house eats Papa John's and it is the only pizza around here that I can tolerate. When the family is out of town Maria actually eats well.

Speaking of which, the family is out of town. My oldest step-brother is getting married. Why aren't aren't you there, Maria? I have only met the guy once and have no attachment to him whatsoever. Also I am not missing 3 days of work to go to Arizona and essentially do nothing. Not to mention the fact I am currently enjoying FIVE DAYS WITHOUT MY FAMILY! I just may go use one of the forbidden pillows. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAH.

Essentially I am just killing time until 9:15 Friday morning. I can do it! Less than a week away. Guess I should finish cleaning the bathroom. The Radiohead CD just finished (which was playing really loudly when the pizza guy came so I looked like a cool kid who listens to cool music and he appeared to be the type that appreciates good music. ALSO I had the random though, most likely brought on by knowing Phil too long, about asking the pizza delivery guy if he told the job just on the off chance some horny housewife answers the door and he just may get some. Then making weird sexual comments the rest of the time while signing the paper and giving him his "tip". I amused myself mightily with this though. Please don't think of me as really fucked up.) What CD to listen to next...



I would just like to saay that I started the blogger trend. Phil inspired me to do it but I started the trend.


Pittsburgh: An Overview

YAY! For Pittsburgh. I arrived at Liz's house around 9 Friday evening. Upon my arrival Liz's parents greeted me and her mom made me a toasted cheese. I then drove downtown and meet up with Liz, Chris and company. We went to Games N'At which was followed by a trip to Tom's Diner on the South Side. I got horrible stomach craps but it was still fun. Saturday involved a trip to India Garden with Chris, Liz and Corey. So tasty. This was followed by Liz and me going back to the South Side for Liz to get her tattoo. This was followed by some delicious milkshakes. We didn't want to go back to Wexford so we went to Squirrel Hill. We were going to see a movie but we missed the beginning so we went to Barnes and Noble instead and read Cosmo for awhile. Then we went to visit Caitlin then to Festival to see Chris at work. We just hung out for a bit at Liz's house then I got a hispter makeover and Chris and Caitlin came over to head out to Sofo for the TJ party.

I didn't drink. We stayed there for a bit then went on to Ceremony for some dancing. It was a lot of fun.

Dancing was followed by a trip to the Virgin Mary shrine in the bowels of Sofo. Then it was back to Liz's house for the filming of Hosed: On the couch. Then I passed out from exhaustion. It was a good weekend.


Philip P. Boyle: A Retrospective

"Menstruation" was the first of Philip's MS Paint masterpieces.

"Maria Dinner" Thursday, November 20, 2003, 6:19:24 PM

"Death Threat" Thursday, November 20, 2003, 6:24:57 PM

"Egypt" Thursday, November 20, 2003, 6:48:03 PM

"Masturbation" Thursday, December 11, 2003, 1:09:07 AM

"Christ is the Rox0r" Monday, February 02, 2004, 1:41:00 AM

"Maria Loves Erica" Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 1:06:03 AM

"Nipple" Saturday, February 21, 2004, 4:45:40 PM

Christ on a Crutch

It was just brought to my attention that I really upset my dad the other day by jokingly saying "I love you, but I don't love you that much" in reference to paying well over $100 for Riverdance tickets for father's day. Let that soak in a moment. My dad has told me not to spend money this summer. He gave me crap for spending $40 one day. "Save your money. How are you going to pay for France?" Dad knows my sarcastic sense of humor. I feel badly, I don't want to upset my dad. However, the whole thing is slightly ridiculous. And don't you give me crap for it, Donna. How many hurtful things have you said directed towards me? Quite a few. Don't try and demean me. Don't. Fuck this shit, I'm going to Pittsburgh.



Ugh. Last night sucked. Then Lisa called making it suck A LOT less. Thank you for that Lisa L Warwick. I am extremely glad that I am going to Pittsburgh next weekend. I haven't seen Liz in forever. I miss Liz. Plus the people I know in Pittsburgh aren't lame. I have been having a problem with that here lately. Whatever. I can't wait for "Hosed on the Couch". It will be grand. Yay for leaving Frederick even if it is only for a weekend.


MS Paint

I recently found this and felt like sharing with the world. Never underestimate the power of Philip Peter Boyle and Microsoft Paint.



Blogger has some moments of being squirrelly.


Thank the good lord I am going to Pittsburgh next weekend. At least that is the plan at the moment. I hope it works out. I am still bored here. I was supposed to hang out with Lisa but she didn't call me back. Well then...Tomorrow is a family party with one of my condescending aunts. That will be fun. Dad said that we would be back in the early evening so that means that I can still hang out with Kate, Pam and Christina.

I started my new job. It is a small office. There are 5 other women working there and everyone is really nice. Things are really low key and generally more calm than at Chase. So that is a bonus. Also there is a plethora of snacks and candy in the place. Plus I have access to the internet which I did not have at Chase. Woo hoo! I also found out that I have July 5 off of work. That makes me very happy and extends the planned Phil visit. Knowing Phil is coming for a visit is really exciting.

So I have lots of plans for the future. Hopefully they all work out. Otherwise I will be sad. I don't want to be sad. The prospect of going to this spy party is exciting. Chris and I are going to go as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. I just think that is really awesome. Yay for having cool friends. Too bad most of them are in Pittsburgh or even farther away.

I have to keep reminding myself that this boredom will allow me to have endless fun in Europe. Not going out on Friday nights saves me money and allows me to read quite a bit.


Best Friends!

Snuggles and Theodore. Bestest friends.

Best Friends Posted by Hello

Best friends Posted by Hello
Aren't they adorable? I think so.

Who loves the EU?

On May 1st the EU expanded added 10 new member states. On that day I made a cake to celebrate. How else does one celebrate such an event?? However Xanga is dumb and made posting the photo all sorts of complicated. Thank you blogger for making it easier. So here is the totally awesome cake I made.

The EU cake! Posted by Hello

Its all new!

So I have a new e-mail (maria.savel@gmail.com) and a new blog. After hearing the awesomeness of blogger I decided I had enough with Xanga. Watch me post lots of pictures now. Ha! Stupid Xanga making it all difficult to post pictures.

So I lost my job. Then I got another job that pays better. Woo hoo! So life is good.