
It's been awhile

Oi. That sums up the past week or so. After being grounded from the internet, which has to be the most ridiculous thing I have experienced in my life, I have not been a happy camper. It got so bad I was seriously contemplating leaving my house. I still can't stand being there, I still can't use the internet at home which thusly means that I still can't talk to my friends. Awesome, family! You know how much my social life sucks so you just go and make it worse by not letting me talk to the people I care about most and want to talk to when my life sucks which it has being a lot lately. Don't give me this bullshit that I don't carry my weight around the house. Don't. You know it is bullshit more than I do. My bathroom isn't filthy, I clean up whenever I cook. Who was the last person to scrub the kitchen floor? Oh yeah, me. Also family, please effing realize that grounding a 20 year old from the internet doesn't make her want to work harder to get it back. It makes her really fucking resentful and makes her want to move out. I don't deserve this and I know my father doesn't think so either after the chat I finally had with him about how unfair this is. I have been told that this is for my step-brother as well. Quite frankly if I am being punished for him I am going to be even more pissed. I have just been really pissed of as of late and extremely unhappy. I hate what being at home does to me. I am not myself here. Plain and simple, it fucking sucks. I cannot wait to be gone from here and starting my life in Paris.

Then it was my birthday. Which came and went with only a mention from my dad. He gave me a card and some cash and that was it. I didn't even get to eat where I wanted. At least I got a box of Cow Tales from Phil the day before. The day after my birthday Dad and Chuck were talking on the phone for over an hour and Charlie neglected to wish me a happy birthday. It would be nice if he remembered. Then Pam and I were to dine at La Chaumiere in Georgetown in honor of our birthday. However she had some insurance issues to take care of so I had to cancel the reservation and then took myself to Baja Fresh, ate a delicious quesadilla and read some Dr. Zhivago. It was awesome.

Then my computer crapped out. It needs a new CD-rom,CD writer,DVD drive. Now Mortimer is still under warranty so it isn't a huge deal, just a huge effing inconvenience. To get it to the point where I can send it away so they replace it they have to rule out all other possible problems which involves doing a system restore which involves losing my hard drive. There was no way around this. Since I have important France related things and around 2,000 songs I have painstakingly collected I didn't want to do this. So to Best Buy we go to have my hard drive backed up. This happy little procedure cost $60 and I get a phone call saying my hard drive no longer functions. Way to fucking go, team! Honestly, how the fuck do you kill my hard drive????? Whatever, it is all under warranty so I don't have to pay to replace it but, good god. Needless to say, I will be getting my $60 back from the dumbasses who killed my computer. Nothing has gone right as of late. Nothing.

Hopefully things start to pick up. At least Phil comes on the 20th and that will be really fwuffy. YAY!!!!!! I can't wait. Then Paris. Think Paris, Maria. Think Paris.


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