
Je suis nerveuse

If it wasn't so complicated to write all the accents I would write this in French. I leave in less than two weeks for Paris. YIKES! I am getting really nervous at the whole thing. Can I speak French that well? I know that if I were to go to Paris as a tourist I would be great. However I am not a tourist. I am to be a student and the political science school not only in France but also Europe. There is a big difference between dicking around a city for a week and asking "Combien coute...?" and writing a paper for an advanced university course about the effects of the Eurozone on the global economy or something like that. I am worried about the highbrow academic French. This compounded on top of the fact that I have hardly used French all summer. Maybe 3-4 times. Plus a few random e-mails I have written to people in France about the upcoming year. YIKES! Then there is the whole issue of being away for a year. Life is going to go on without me. I won't be around the people I am closest to for, in some cases, close to a year and a half. These are people I would see just about every day. Talk to about all my problems. That will take getting used to. Just being away from the people I care about most.

It will be nice come this Friday when Phil comes for a visit and I can see him again and just relax and be really happy and not stressed about leaving and what not. Plus I will be done with work circa 4 pm Friday. That will be nice. That reminds me that I need to call the pay roll people and figure stuff out about my paychecks.


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