Sometimes life is good
This is one of those times. Today I found the law and I won. By law I mean bureaucracy but there are no rocking oldies songs about fighting bureaucracy, which really is a damn shame. I had an "I hate France" meltdown this weekend. I got over it all is better now. Epsecailly because I have my titre de sejour. Why I had to get an x-ray is besides me but if it makes the French happy and means I can stay here all year I'll do it. I also got my carte bleu today. This is the French ATM card. I opened my account over a month ago. "Why are you just getting it now, Maria?", you ask. Really good question reader. I have no fucking clue and BNP made my cry more than once. It really sucks when you can't properly express yourself in another language. So when they told me to come back in two day for the millionth time and all I could do was say Okay, yes, thank you I got really pissed. Whatever. All that is behind us and I have a carte bleu and a titre de sejour.
Hooway for being happy. Today totally makes up for the shittiness of Saturday. I would also like to state that two months from today Philip Peter Boyle will be boarding an airplane with the final destination of Paris. I am really excited. I miss him. Duh, but all this is just showing me/us how great what we have is. I could wax on and on about this but I will spare you all. But rest assured everything with that is nothing short of stupendous. HOOWAY!
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