I am on a roll!
Why not keep up my passive aggressive rants on this thing. I believe Phil is the only one who reads this with the exception of those lucky ducks who click on "next blog".
Upon a certain chat with a certain person yesterday I became rather annoyed. What a surprise, Maria was annoyed. I like that I have an Atlantic Ocean's worth of distance between me and home but people still want to drag me into their shit. I thought, after this shitty shitty summer, we decided through our actions, that this pathetic rouse of a friendship. I by no means hate the people from home. There just doesn't seem to be a connection with most of them anymore. It sucks but such is the process of life. So when people come to bitch to me about their problems and then don't listen to a damn word I say in regard to their problem or only talk to me to brag about some asinine event that you think makes you "cool" and I think makes you even more lame.
When you are only using our friendship to your advantage, when you only IM me when it is convenient with some "really awesome" story, I question your definition of friendship. Friendship aren't convenient. It has gotten to this point when I do not give a flying fuck. I don't. Perhaps I am a horrible person, perhaps I could put forth more of an effort. Eh...I have tried enough and just don't care anymore. But somehow, even being thousands of miles away, I still get sucked in to this crap. Awesome.
In other news I am going to see Morrissey tonight and that rocks my socks.
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