

I am done. It is a fantastic feeling. This whole system of 4 hours finals is crap. Oi. However, it is done. Neither of my tests went AWESOME!!!!!11one!!1 but I think I did well enough. Besides, I am done finished with my first semester at Sciences-Po and I couldn’t be happier. It is nice to be able to read for pleasure. It is nice to not be uber stressing out about some lame test. I am calm. I am on vacation. Life is pretty fucking sweet. Tomorrow I am going to bake some brownies for Judith and then hang out with Tom who finishes tomorrow morning. I could go for a good evening out. We’ll see what comes of it.

In other news I think I have decided to attend graduate school in England. There are several reasons for this. One, it is cheaper. A lot cheaper. Quite frankly my dears, money talks. LSE is only 12,000 pounds, so with the exchange rate we are looking at around $20,000. Not horrible. Plus graduate school in England, one year. So not only would I be saving money I would be saving time. Also England is kinda cool. I could so live there for a year. I am definitely going to take a year off before going to grad school though. I think I will need a break from school for a bit plus I need to earn some money. It is nice to have an idea of my future. Even if it is only a vague idea, it is an idea nonetheless.

I also figured out my schedule for next year. I got all of the classes I wanted and it only required dealing with the bitchiest woman in the world twice. But I was able to be forceful in French and I was proud of myself and I got the schedule I wanted. Hopefully the Pitt French department won’t suck balls and give me credit for these classes.


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