
I do love Paris but the States don't suck

Maria made her grand return to the United States of America. I arrived last Monday at Dulles International Airport and rocked it to Frederick. Didn't do much Monday as I was tired so I just hung out with the fam. Tuesday the car was broken so I didn't have much to do during the day. That evening I did visit the Dennisons which was quite nice. It was really good to see them again. Wednesday I made the Frederick rounds and saw Ms. Tilden and ran some errands. Wendesday evening I decided to go to DC and visit Hesham. How I miss my Hesham. We had a lovely dinner together. Many camel noises and impressions of Middle East leaders were made. It was stupendous. Thursday was the big day though. I made my grand return to Pittsburgh and very few people knew. Randy and Alok helped me to give Phil the biggest suprise ever. Phil woke up late and was unable to meet up with Randy so I was passed off to Alok who had plans to meet Phil for lunch. So we were in the Union and Phil walks in and it takes him a moment to see me and then he does and he is shocked. It was wonderful. He was all scruffy and not expecting to see me as he thought I was in Germany visiting Charlie. hehehe. I am a sneaky bastard! It was so nice to be with him again. The rest of the trip was seeing Kate, breakfast for dinner at Cato St., dinner with Joanne and lots of time with Phil. It was a really good break from Paris and Sciences-Po which was MUCH needed and now I can go back and handle second semester.


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