Oi. Shoe shopping sucks. After being told by a shoe store in Paris that, "we don't makes shoes that big" I have had to resort to shoe shopping by the internet. This really isn't any better.
One, my feet are huge, out of proportion, they are land skis.
Two, shoes are ass expensive.
Three, I am a poor motherfucker.
These three things become quite compounded when I am shoe shopping and premenstrual. I apologize to anyone who had to deal with me whilst I was searching for shoes online. I finally found something for relatively cheap and was able to not go to bed pissy. Thank god. So now I have cute shoes on the way and that makes me happy.
However, I am no happier about my financial situation or my prospects for the future. I have shitload of debt, a QPA that is less than stellar and only next year to make it respectable. LSE would be amazing but waaaaaaaaaay out of my league. The US isn't the place for me to study IR/European Studies. Makes sense to go to Europe, right? I could come back to Sciences-Po but do I want to? Maybe I could do Sciences-Po one year and LSE/Columbia the second year. Hold on Maria, look at your GPA, there is no chance of that happening. Also, the lack of recommendations. Sweet. Helloooooo retail!
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